Tuesday 10 January 2017

Making Sure Ports And Piers Serve Their Cities Well

The S.T. Hudson Engineering company has over forty five years of work in the field of coastal engineering. Marine Engineering is something that they have been on the forefront of since they began at the waterfronts of the Delaware Valley and City of Philadelphia. To this day, they are still on the vanguard of harbor facilities and marine maintenance. Although working primarily in the United States in the Eastern and Gulf Coast region, they have also made a mark for themselves with a varied selection of international locales including the Caribbean.

What they do best, is to develop modern cost efficient designs that make rehabilitation of older ports and new development possible. This makes marine ports viable through platform, piping and structural elements. Working with local entities, they can use their expertise to create wharves and piers that can serve today’s shipping and commercial needs.

An important aspect of their knowledge is how they work to help cities regain usage of their ports to their advantage and financial gain. Nothing illustrates this better than how the S.T. Hudson Engineers were able to work with Camden, New Jersey in the 1990′s. Working along side the city, they were able to design a pier to commemorate the historical contributions of Camden and celebrate it for future generations. A pier housing the USS New Jersey battleship is now an attraction that not only adds to the history of this unique city, but to its tourism and local pride.

In order to make sure piers and coast docks are designed correctly, they are also known for their experience in making sure performance dives properly case out the territory not just above the water line, but under the sea as well. This is another reason why their pier designs are superior in withstanding weather and water conditions throughout the year.

In addition to their work in the United States, Canada has also been home to the work of this engineering firm. Not only are their design skills in demand, but their knowledge of regulatory compliance is needed as well. For more information on their long history,

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